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  • Writer's pictureoonagh

Building on dreams

Updated: Nov 1, 2023

person standing on mountain with quote "sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life"

It’s now been a little over a year since I qualified as a Level 5 in Clinical Reflexology, and what an amazing year it has been.

Since then, I’ve launched my business and set up my tranquil treatment room, built a website, qualified in the Bergman Method of Advanced Facial Reflexology, completed CPD in holistic facial reflexology and in reflexology for chemo induced peripheral neuropathy. I’ve also become a Neal’s Yard consultant to be able to offer you these amazing natural and organic health and beauty products. And earlier this month I was delighted to complete my aromatherapy diploma, opening up a whole new and exciting world of aromatherapy and massage to my wonderful clients. A huge thank you to my family and friends who have volunteered to be case studies over the last few years to allow me to develop my skills and practice my training.

One of the most exciting and rewarding parts has been meeting so many new people and being able to offer bespoke reflexology treatments to my clients. It has been an absolute dream, which I hope to continue to build on.

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me and trusted me to help you relax, improve you wellbeing and to help you feel tranquil.

I'm looking forward to see what the next year brings, and to meeting and supporting many more of you at Tranquillity Therapies.

Oonagh x


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