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Facial reflexology and why you should try it!

Updated: Apr 10

a person getting facial reflexology
Facial reflexology head hold

While you may never have heard of facial reflexology before, it has actually been around for a while. The Dien Chan method, created by Dr. Bùi Quôc Châu was adapted from acupuncture and inspired by traditional Chinese and Vietnamese medicine systems. The Sorensensistem method, created by Lone Sorensen was inspired by Eastern and South American traditions.

Like foot reflexology, facial reflexology focuses on pressure points on the face to help stimulate the body’s healing and help improve circulation. Balancing the reflex points on the face helps to balance the entire body. The close proximity of the face to brain and cranial nerves makes facial reflexology a very powerful way to impact the body.

Facial reflexology can support you with a range of issues including migraines, bruxism, bell’s palsy, sinus congestion, insomnia, as well as stress and anxiety. A deeply relaxing facial reflexology treatment can also help release tension and emotions held in the face and balance the body to lift your mood.

While my main focus is to support your general health and wellbeing, a bonus of facial reflexology is that it can help improve lymphatic drainage and blood flow on the face, leading to a fresher and brighter complexion. The production of elastin and collagen is also stimulated during the facial and muscle tension is relieved, giving you a newfound sense of relaxation.


Why you should try Facial Reflexology

There are many benefits of facial reflexology, it can

  • Induce a deep state of relaxation and calm

  • Improve circulation in the face

  • Relieve the effects of stress

  • Release tension in facial muscles

  • Improve skin tone and elasticity

  • Have a rejuvenating effect on the skin


What happens when I go for a treatment?

Following an initial consultation where we will go over some basic health and lifestyle questions, you will get comfortable on the heated massage couch. I will begin with a massage of your neck and shoulders to relieve the stress and tension held here. Hot towels are used to gently cleanse your face, then an organic cleanser is applied and removed with hot towels before a beautiful facial oil is applied, and you instantly begin to feel all your stress melt away.

You will immediately feel the benefits of the facial massage, followed by facial reflexology to help your body rebalance and reset, and then I will focus on acupressure points on the face and head to help with any conditions specific to you. I may also use amethyst and rose quartz crystals during this treatment to help soothe and calm you.

Often people fall asleep during their session or zone out in a deep state of relaxation. You are more than welcome to do this; I will gently wake you at the end of your session. If you do stay awake during your session it will be more relaxing if you keep your eyes closed, if possible.

I have trained in the Bergman method of facial reflexology which is based on Zone Therapy. I have also completed training which is a combination of east and west teachings, focusing on Vietnamese maps, acupressure points and facial reflexology maps. When you come for a facial reflexology treatment, following our initial conversation, I will tailor your facial reflexology specifically to meet your needs and to ensure you are deeply relaxed.

Facial reflexology is a treatment that I love to give. I find it deeply relaxing and almost hypnotic as I work each of the reflexology facial maps and focus on any areas that need rebalancing. I love that I can feel each client deeply relax as the treatment progresses, and as their stress levels begin to fall. Facial reflexology helps your body to come out of the ‘fight or flight’ response to stress and encourages the parasympathetic nervous system which then lowers your heart rate, promotes digestion, improves your circulation and aids deep relaxation.

So next time you’re thinking about finding a way to relax or booking a reflexology appointment, why not try facial reflexology? You’ll not be disappointed with the results.

Please note: if you have had Botox or facial fillers, a facial reflexology treatment cannot take place for 4 weeks after. If you have had facelift surgery, you must wait 4 months after.

If you have any questions about facial reflexology and how it could support you, please get in touch with me by completing the contact form or by phone on 07512878109.


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