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Reflexology is a safe holistic treatment that works by applying pressure to certain reflex points on the feet. It helps to restore natural balance to the body and mind, and can improve overall health, reduce stress, and is incredibly soothing and relaxing.

"Reflexology is a guaranteed method of relaxing the body, composing the mind, and reengergizing and rebalancing."

Laura Norman

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As a clinical reflexologist I take a holistic approach and take into consideration your current lifestyle, medical conditions, sleep, stress levels and more, and tailor each session to benefit you the most. Everybody holds the key to their own healing, but sometimes the body needs a little help. That’s where I come in. As a Reflexologist, I work with you to restore your balance and find your centre.


Reflexology is suitable for all ages, and can be helpful with a range of conditions, including back and neck pain, menopause and menstrual problems, asthma, headaches and migraines, fatigue, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, sinusitis, stress, nausea and many more.  


Some specific areas where reflexology can be beneficial are: 


Maternity & Post natal 

During pregnancy, reflexology can help your body relax, provide some relief from any pain and discomfort you're feeling, whether it's pelvic and lower back pain, fatigue, indigestion, swelling and oedema or nausea. There are some pregnancy conditions, such as placenta praevia, which would prohibit reflexology. If you are pregnant please contact me to discuss before booking.  

In the post natal period, reflexology can provide you with much needed time to rest and recover. During these sessions you're more than welcome to bring your baby.



Menopause is a natural part of life for women, and many women will spend over half their lives post menopausal. The symptoms caused by perimenopause and menopause are vast, and differ for each woman. Due to this many women can find perimenopause and menopause a difficult time both physically and emotionally.

Reflexology is a great way to relax and release tension, and may be beneficial for some of your menopause symptoms. It is also a great way to unwind and take some dedicated time to yourself.

I have done specialist training specifically for menopause reflexology which enables me to support your specific systems and help you rebalance. 



Stress & Anxiety 

I offer an advanced reflexology session specifically for those suffering with stress and anxiety. This more targeted reflexology will focus on improving the flow of energy between your mind, endocrine system, immune system and nervous system. These can all be adversely affected by stress and anxiety, and through focusing our intent and affirmations together we can release blocked energy.


Cancer Care

If you are going through chemotherapy, radiotherapy or recovering from surgery, or are post treatment, reflexology may help you deal with the physical and emotional side effects of treatment, allowing you to relax, easing tension throughout the body and helping with your general wellbeing.


I also offer a specific reflexology session to help with chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy and pain. This gentle reflexology includes working on the lower legs as well as the feet, focusing on the nerves to help give some relief from long term chemo side effects. 


Carers can also immensely benefit from reflexology. As well as taking some regular time out to care for yourself, reflexology can help you unwind and release the stress of caring for someone with cancer, or any other condition. 



I offer a specific reflexology for pain and neuropathy. This gentle treatment includes working on the lower leg as well as the feet to help with pain and neuropathy caused by a range of things including chemo, diabetes, MS, back or neck pain.


Palliative care

Reflexology during palliative care can be a great way to support emotional wellbeing and improve quality of life - offering time for relaxation, an ear to listen and providing a non invasive way to reduce stress and anxiety. Your treatment plan and duration will be adapted to suit your needs, and it can also take place where you feel most comfortable. Please contact me directly to discuss before booking. 



Please note that as a reflexologist I cannot diagnose and reflexology cannot cure, therefore it should not be considered an alternative to conventional medicine. 

Learn more about reflexology

This video from the Association of Reflexologists is a brief introduction to what reflexology is and what happens when you go for a reflexology treatment. 

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